20.01.2021 SwissPropTech Meetups @ IMMO’Forum
We are glad to start the 2021 with the participation to the first SwissPropTech Meetups of 2021. The event will be held virtually. Join us during IMMO’Forum 2021 on January 20th and meet iWin with other SwissPropTech members.
SwissPropTech Meetups are the perfect opportunity to get informed about whats happening in the Swiss PropTech scene. iWin, as a member of this community, will be present this time to update about the latest innovation and achievement.
SwissPropTech aims to spread the word about innovation in the real estate and construction industry across the country and provide members a great opportunity to present their solutions and projects to an innovation friendly audience.
If you would like to participate please visit the SwissPropTech web site.